Victor Bella

Victor Bella 2

Victor Bella

“When you make efforts, even if you are in a jungle, you will be rewarded because God sees you in  your hidden place.”

Before my calling into ministry, I was a Catholic Christian and an engineer of agriculture. I should have been happy because in our society in Cameroon, being a civil servant is a great advantage.

At that time, I did not know about the Great Commission. As a catholic I thought only priests and bishops were responsible for ministry. We read about it  in the Bible, but did not understand it was a duty commanded by the Lord to His faithful.

Despite my Christian conversion (catholic) and my position as a civil servant (engineer), I felt as if I lacked something. Once I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord, and decided to witness His love and appeal, it seems as if my soul said “yes”. I felt like I had filled a vacuum in my deepest life.

My eyes opened, my ears began to clearly hear and I commenced to distinguish good and what is not good. Then the Great Commission became a duty for me.

My affiliation with CMN has impacted my life in many ways:

  1. It put me in a good network with those who desire to serve the true One God; I now feel that I am not isolated.
  2. The certification helps me in that sense that I had “rice” without “bag”. Now, I have both rice and a bag to put it in.
  3. The certification recognizes my efforts.
  4. It helps me to improve my walk as an ordained minister, to have a faithful behavior. God is true, His Word is true. When you make efforts, even if you are in a jungle, you will be rewarded because God sees you in your hidden place. God bless you. 

From now on, all things are possible because CMN is available to facilitate your support for my Christian ministry.

To know more about CMN, you can click the link here.

What I have been seeking for two decades is available.  As for me, I am so ready for the duty and many are waiting for me so they may know the name and the love of the same Lord you know who saved you.

Rev. Victor J. BELLA