Shiayeanne “Shane” Dimaguila

By trade and vocation, I am a voice and music teacher and have been teaching singing and performing for the last two decades.  While making a living as a professional singing teacher, I have also been an active worship leader and have served in worship ministries and music teams in church services and worship concerts.  Through serving in the music ministry, I have experienced, time and time again, how worship music can be a powerful tool for the Church to have deep, intimate and breakthrough encounters with the Lord.

As a teacher, I naturally gravitate towards passing on my knowledge to another.  Mentoring and journeying with a student has always been a life-giving passion for me.  And it was when I was fully immersed in the ministry of leading people to worship that the desire to train and raise up the next generation of worship leaders was birthed in me.  I was convinced that God had called me to use my giftings in music and teaching to equip and empower others so that they can step up into their own calling in serving and leading people to God in worship.

And so, I have embraced teaching worship leaders and church musicians as my calling and ministry.  I have worked with different church organizations and music ministries across a few regions in the Philippines. I have mentored students from various music ministries and have taken them in as scholars – raising funding for their training program.  These scholars have gone through an audition and screening process, and are gifted and committed worship leaders who desire and need training, but are hindered by finances, especially the ones from the provinces and poor churches.

I offer a training program through a 2-fold workshop that includes music lessons in individual and group settings, to lay down the foundations for healthy singing and good musicianship, and lessons in worship leading.  For the culminating activity at the end of the workshop, we would organize a worship concert.  This is an opportunity to not only put into practice all the learnings gained, but also, an opportunity to invite new people, especially the young, to church and share the gospel to them through music and worship.

In my years of doing this ministry, I have witnessed how these workshops and mentoring programs have helped worship leaders and church musicians to become more equipped and to gain more confidence in carrying out their ministry.  Moreover, it is always a great blessing to see how people can be invited to come to church and encounter God, and how calling-driven workers can advance His Kingdom through worship, in these concert efforts.