We arrived in Ecuador in February 1993 and started serving with missionary Daniel Rogers, working in evangelism and church planting among the quichua, shuar, and waodani people.
Since 1994, our ministry has been fully dedicated to the waodani people. We had a Bible boarding school for five years in the damointaro community.
As a fruits of this school, we have brothers in leadership in some communities, with whom we coordinate the ministerial work of Bible camps, missionary tours, and conferences.
Today, we are focused in the children of the kids with whom we started 29 years ago. As part of our ministry, we hold Bible conferences, evangelistic missionary tours, Bible camps for children, teens, and youth, and Women conferences.
In Shell, we have the Bible Missionary Christian Church of Shell, out of which three new ministry works have derived.
From Shell, we regularly travel to the jungle to the various waodani communities distributed in three provinces of the Amazon.
Our focus today is on a whole new generation in the jungle, and in our church, which demands a support, God willing, of about eight years.