Breaking Cycles Ministry

Breaking Cycles began working in Sumpango, Guatemala in 2012. It was officially established as a non-profit entity in Guatemala in 2016. The mission of Breaking Cycles is to see Sumpango transformed into a community where generational cycles of poverty, lack of education, abuse, and alcoholism are broken and people have a real relationship with Jesus.

Breaking Cycles runs several programs and projects that work towards reaching these goals. There is an educational sponsorship program for elementary school aged children called Creciendo Juntos (Growing Together) and for middle school and high school students called Creciendo con Proposito (Growing with Purpose). Through the support of sponsors, this program provides schooling, school supplies, uniforms, transportation, lunch and snacks, tutoring, and discipleship for these students. The younger sponsored children in this program live all across Sumpango and many of the teenagers in the program are orphans who live in an orphanage in Sumpango that we support through education so they can have a better future.

Another project is Familias Saludables (Healthy Families) Bunk Bed Project. This project is an incentive-based prevention and education project that desires to educate families on issues of alcoholism, nutrition, and sexual abuse while also sharing about the hope found only in the gospel. Parents and their children must attend all of the sessions on these topics in order to receive bunk beds for their children. We hope through this project parents and children will no longer have to sleep in the same bed out of necessity and instead the children can have a separate space and the whole family will have knowledge as to how to protect themselves and live a healthy life.

Breaking Cycles also has a Home Build Construction Project. Over the years Breaking Cycles has built more than 100 rooms with cinderblock and cement for families living in structures made of tin or wood and additional rooms for large families living together in one small space.

Breaking Cycles has been supporting the orphanage Anna Vitiello in Sumpango for children who are HIV+ through giving medicine, food, bringing volunteers to help care for the children and/or facilities there.

Breaking Cycles brings together pastors from throughout Sumpango for meetings where pastors can receive encouragement and support in their ministry.

Breaking Cycles has the facilities to begin a job training center and hopes to begin offering vocational classes to teens and young adults in the future.

None of this work would be possible without the support of generous donors! Over the years we have grown, not only in the number of people we have served through of our programs and projects, but also in our staff. With that comes additional administrative expenses in order to continue serving well. Please join us in this work through your prayers, financial support, or come on a mission trip to work with us.