I retired to this rural community 4 years ago and started attending the local nondenominational church.
The pastor position came open about 1.5 years ago and they asked if I would preach for them. I said I would help until they found someone. They asked me to be their pastor and after much prayer, I accepted. This area is 15 miles out of town and mainly a retirement community. I preach one service on Sunday mornings, average attendance is 25. And I help lead the Bible study group on Wednesday night, average attendance of 8. Our main outreach is helping provide and distribute food through a local school. We also have 3-4 community events each year at the church and invite everyone in our area. This includes things like Fall Festival, Bingo Night, and Movie Night. Admission is always free. We also have Potluck Lunch one Sunday every month.
I have a Ministerial License with Commission Ministers Network.