Glenn Sandifer

Unforsaken originated from the promises God made to us.  Through my ups and downs, even before I surrendered my life to Christ, He never forsook me.  If the perfect Son of God never gave up on me, who can I give up on.   Unforsaken is the ministry to show others who feel forsaken and have no hope, there is always hope with Christ.  Showing them the love, grace, mercy and compassion, I have been shown. Finding the appropriate faith-based facility, advocate with court officials, help families find needed resources and help with a plan for success after completing rehab. 

While a pastor I was able to walk the journey of recovery with those struggling from addiction and their families.  Although, everyone does not recover, some recover then relapse but others recover never to relapse.  God has gifted me with the ability to connect with those who feel hopeless, judged and condemned. Those who no one else seems to love or willing to invest in.  I have discovered there is no hopeless case and no one beyond redemption. 

There are no silver bullets and I definitely do not have the answers.  What I have is my own personal experience of 17 years of substance abuse and 20 years walking with families in their time of crisis.  Many who became personal friends and stay in contact even to this day.  Through the relapses and victories, I have learned some valuable lessons that could help others navigate the journey to recovery.  My passion is to encourage people who have no hope to find hope in Christ.  Those who believe no one cares that I care.  Those who have been judged and condemned even by themselves that Christ did not come to condemn the world but save the world. 

Unforsaken is a ministry God has prepared and equipped me to do.  The ministry of recovery, restoration of lives and redemption is bigger than any one person.  Unforsaken is a supernatural, out of the box ministry and service to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  I want to invite you to be part of something bigger than any of us could imagine. 

“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’ Matthew 25:40