Nsansa Village Community Development Mission

Established in 2014, Nsansa Village Community Development Mission is a non-government organization (NGO) involved in caring for Zambia’s street children by providing education, shelter, healthcare, detoxification programs, and skills training. Nsansa Village is well-known and well respected within Zambia and actively partners with the Ministry of Social Welfare, Ministry of Youths, Sports, and Child Development, and the Zambia Police to serve the street children.

At Nsansa Village, our mission is to:

  • Rescue street children,
  • Restore lost hope, and
  • Rebuild lost dignity for the less privileged in our society.

We help guide these children out of the darkness of the streets, offering them a second chance at life, filled with hope, purpose, and opportunity.

We envision a future where every child, regardless of their past, is able to thrive, contribute to their communities, and lead lives filled with dignity and self-worth.
Nsansa Village offers a comprehensive range of programs and services aimed at rescuing, rehabilitating, and empowering street children in Zambia. This multifaceted approach ensures each child receives the support and guidance needed to reclaim their lives and reintegrate into society as responsible individuals.
  • Outreach
  • Psychosocial Support & Counseling
  • Skills Training
  • Basic Education
Nsansa Village provides for the basic needs of all children onsite, including:
  • Daily meals and essential nutrients, toiletries, school tuition, exam fees, school supplies, transportation, healthcare and prescriptions, clothing, facility expenses, mattresses and bedding, electricity and solar, school and recreational books, cleaning supplies, and much more…

In addition, Nsansa Village strives to host eight street outreaches per month. At each outreach, there is a meal (if funds allow), fellowship, devotion, and prayer. Our priority is to share the Gospel with these children because they desperately need hope and salvation. We must be a guiding light to point them to Jesus Christ.

  • Property Expansion Partnerships
  • Education Scholarships
  • Food & Outreach Programs
  • Skills Training Sponsorships
Once your donation has been submitted, please send an email to villagensansa@gmail.com with the donation amount and instructions on how those funds should be allocated (e.g., feeding program, student scholarship, building fund, etc.).
Nsansa Village Community Development Mission
24 Poplar Avenue, Avondale
Lusaka, Zambia