Louada Raschke

Louada Raschke is an ordained minister, worship leader, author, radio host, TV evangelist & pod-caster. She grew up in a dysfunctional family riddled with alcoholism, rampant divorce, abuse, depression, strife and violence. But God saved her and baptized her in the Holy Spirit. He called her into ministry when she was only 12, telling her she would preach, teach and minister in music all over the world. Now, through radio, television, social media and in person, she ministers the powerful, life changing gospel of Jesus Christ. Her mission is to win the lost, set the captives free from addictions, destructive patterns of thinking and lifestyles, to pray for the sick and equip the church to do the same. Louada is an intense, fervent worshiper of God and loves leading others into His presence.

Louada has a Ministerial Ordination with Commission Ministers Network.