Henry Neufeld

Henry grew up in Alberta Canada. Twelve years ago he went on his first mission trip which changed his life forever. Since then the lord has put missions on his heart. Henry has served a handful of years in youth ministry, Bible camp and on missions trips with his church. He also completed a discipleship training school in Kona,  Hawaii in 2022 through which he had the privilege to go on a trip to Egypt which increased his passion for missions. Henry finds joy and fulfillment in serving others, whether that is in youth ministry, summer camps, missions trips or working in the customer service industry; people are his passion.




This summer he will serve at Mt. Hope Bible Camp in Forbestown, California, as a camp maintenance worker. He is currently working toward becoming a certified journeyman electrician, in hopes of using that skill in the mission field. Henry also enjoys spending time with family and friends. His personal interests relate to most outdoor activities or sports. He is very excited about this opportunity to serve at Mt. Hope Bible Camp for the summer and is hoping to pursue full time mission & humanitarian work in the future. He is very thankful to all those who support him whether through prayer or financial support, both are important and greatly appreciated. To the supporters; remember to embrace each season of life, because life is composed of seasons and they are constantly changing. God bless.