Hi, I’m Manjoyka. My first Bible smelled musty but filled me with immense hope. A US soldier had carried it while bringing freedom from the Nazis to my part of former Czechoslovakia. At 15, I read in it: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” My heart was burning: This is my calling.
Like the Moravians, who fled what is now my country, the former Czechoslovakia. On their voyage to America, they trusted God during a storm and inspired John Wesley to trust His Saviour.
That American New Testament inspired me to train as a translator, serve with YWAM and marry a missionary.
But then, the storm of marriage crisis hit me. A friend showed me the War Room movie that gave me new hope. While I pray for healing of my own family, God is using my story and prayers on YouTube to inspire thousands of Czechs, Slovaks and Moravians to trust God in the storm. A little bit like Ms Clara of the War Room movie, He helps me to pray and bring His Word and then He saves marriages:
“My husband wanted to leave me. I prayed with your YouTube videos and the prayers really work. He stayed with me. And my friend has the same story.” AN INNER HEALING CLIENT
These War Room heroes need healing from pain. Therefore, I serve them through the Bethel Sozo inner healing and deliverance ministry. As many of them face the loss of a home, I serve them free of charge.
For the first 18 months, I donated my time, income and savings to build this ministry that has now touched thousands of lives. When Kristie from Nevada heard my story, she enthusiastically said: “I want to be part of this!” and became one of my first supporters, later joined by 20 Czechs and Slovaks. Now, 2 years later, I still need to link arms with 60 new partners. Would you please join my team of giving partners? You can use the safe giving link below. Together, we can heal the hearts of War Room Heroes – just like that one New Testament of the US war hero started healing mine.