I met the Lord in my heart at the age of twelve years. I began to involve myself to children’s ministry in 2005, helping as a Sunday school teacher. I did not have any formal training, but in the early months of 2006, I received my first training to evangelize boys and girls. The Lord equipped me fully by the end year 2007 and directed me to take full charge among the young souls to minister by way of evangelism and discipleship. Each day the Lord is molding me to become what He wants me to be while serving Him among children.
I have been using the skills and knowledge I acquired during the years of studies to minister to children in various ways and in various geographical locations around my country of Kenya. After every ministry to children, I have had abundance of Joy that is unexplainable. I have never been able to get that kind of Joy elsewhere, not even of its similarity. This kind of Joy has never come to me by way of gifts from friends, money or relationships with people. It is a mystery and a message of God’s love to me. I chose to do ministry among children in very difficult life situations because I love t
his God who gave me something I could never bring to myself: “Salvation and the Joy of serving Him among children with love”. God has been good to me in my abundance. I cannot count how many times I have had bills and settled bills, but I spot each Joy that comes when I am serving my master among children and those that minister to them.
Because of life dynamics I would never be able to give in to full time ministry until the Lord connected me with the Commission Ministers Network. This way I am now able to do what I have long waited: to serve as a full time minister to children; to evangelize and disciple boys and girls, to equip children workers with knowledge for holistic growth of children and families and rooting the society in Christ for transformation.
The way I am ministering to the small and larger community is by doing ministry inside and outside the church. Ministries in the church involve sensitizing Pastors on the importance of ministry to children and planning with them for children workers’ seminar opportunities. Other church ministries include planned church programs, such as the children camps, rallies, VBSs among others.
For ministry outside the church I do school visits in public and private schools, as well as sensitizing school heads on the importance of having Pastoral instructions. Having the teachers themselves for training in planned teachers seminars or meetings has helped to equip on certain ministry areas such as material preparation and presentation during the class hour. Where opportunities rise, I personally attend the Pastoral programs, in particular public and private primary school.