Crispin Kamucici

Crispin Kamucici preaching2

Crispin Kamucici preaching

I believe God has called me to ministry as an Apostle with a pastoral and apostolic grace on me.

When God called me to minister, I heard Jesus tell me like in a dream in an awesome voice, “I have chosen you and I have prepared a work for you. I am restoring my power and glory to my people and they shall impact the world.” Then God led me to the scriptures in Jeremiah 1:10 which says, “See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, and to build and to plant.”

Every time I would pray, God would bring to me the picture of the early church through the Acts of the Apostles. Then God revealed to me that there was lack of love and understanding in the Church and this hinders the glory of God to shine.  He is going to restore His church at her former glory and power and even more. I received a mandate to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and raise an Apostolic people for Kingdom lifestyle to impact nations by teaching the Word of truth contained in the Gospel of the Kingdom.

Crispin blessing others

Crispin blessing others

My wife and I started to seek the face of the Lord in prayer for this mission that I had received. We started to explain to other people about the vision. We began to teach about the Kingdom values and the great commandment of love which is the highest law in the Kingdom. (Matthew 22:37-40). God gave me a heart of love for His children. I was a pastor to a church in Kigali, Rwanda.

In 2016, God moved my wife, 10 children and me to Cleveland, OH. I am pastoring a church. I’ve been interviewed and you can read that here.

Since I’ve been affiliated with CMN, more doors have been open to me. Early in December I was invited to a Conference in Kampala, Uganda where more than 500 ministers where gathered and taught. I had the opportunity to minister and the Holy Spirit moved mightily. Belonging to an international association of ministers has also added a certain value to my ministry and has enlarged my boundaries. If you would like to know more about CMN, click here.