Brooke Leaman

The first time God led me to Guatemala was during my gap year in 2017. I spent four months serving in an orphanage. During this time, my love for missions and Guatemala grew. Leaving was difficult, but I knew one day I would return. In January of 2019, I was finally able to return to Guatemala! During that trip, I felt God calling me back to Guatemala long term. At first I was confused because the timing felt all wrong for me. I wasn’t expecting to return for several years. I quickly discovered that it’s not about my timing, but God’s timing. For months following that trip, I prayed and pressed into that calling. I took a big leap of faith and moved to Guatemala that following September.

In the beginning of 2021, my husband, Jesús Muralles, and I began feeling a shift. After months of prayer and council, God made it clear it was time to start our own ministry, Amar a la Comunidad. Our heart as a ministry is founded on Matthew 22:37-39: “Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.”

We have four groups that meet weekly: a kids club for all ages, a soccer club, an art club and a youth group for boys ages 12-17. When we first started in May of 2021, our kids club was the only group that met and had 6 kids attending weekly. We now have between 70-90 kids participating in our weekly activities.

I’d like to share this story with you, as it sums up why we do what we do. One of our Guatemalan leaders was talking with some of the older girls that attend kids club. She asked them about their experience and how they felt about coming to kids club. With tears in her eyes, one girl responded, “Thank you, because here I feel important and loved. In my house the only thing I encounter is yelling and being scolded. When I come here I feel loved.”

You can find us on Facebook and Instagram under “Amar a la Comunidad.” If you’d like to receive our monthly updates, send an email to and we’ll add you to our monthly email list!

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