William Gomez

School Project: The main focus of ministry (prior to COVID pandemic) is a project that was established in several public high-schools in and around Santiago in the Dominican Republic. The aim of this project is to minister to students who are finishing school in order to teach them to be Godly men and women and is thus called La Escuela del Hombre y la Mujer. This project includes a partnership with local prisons where vetted/trained inmates visit the school with our team and share their testimony in an effort to help students avoid the same mistakes.

Prison Ministry: As of late William has been spending most of his time in 3 different prisons giving classes and ministering to inmates. The classes are focused on rehabilitation through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Local Church: William also shares pastoring duties at Dios Para el Mundo church in Cienfuegos. These duties include preaching several times a month, ministering to the congregation, and outreach initiatives in the surrounding community.