Nathan Girdner

In the past 2 years I have made 3 trips to Mavuno Village Tanzania ( a true family style orphanage that seeks to provide a father, mother, a Biblical upbringing and life skills to every child) where I spent a total of about 13 weeks serving.
My work there is very diverse with the main goal of furthering God’s kingdom through working with the kids, staff and house parents, driving tractor and other vehicles, working on building projects and doing maintenance repairs and just working along side the Nationals wherever is needed at the time.

For the foreseeable future my desire is to return to Mavuno Village and work there the majority of the year returning to the USA for 1-3 months at a time to serve God here by being involved in my church ( Homestead Country Gathering) operating my business, fulfill commitments here and stay in touch with those who so graciously support me.