Christian & Deloris Elliott

Christian (Chris) and Deloris Elliott are “retired” from dairy farming and pastoral ministry, while Chris is active in pastoral training in east central Africa. Presently he is teaching at the Great Lakes Bible School (GLBS) in Rwanda, with occasional teaching missions in Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Chris is also a trainer for Farming God’s Way, a holistic approach to conservation agriculture for smallholder farmers.

The name of Chris’s ministry is FAR Reach Ministries – an acronym that stands for Faith. Action. Results. Financial support for FAR Reach helps to fund GLBS, teaching missions in surrounding countries and two church-based nursery/ primary schools (Rwanda and Burundi). Chris holds ministerial credentials with the Church of the Brethren and Commission Ministers Network. Contact him at or on WhatsApp +1-717-262-3154.